The Lighthouse
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Overcoming Darkness with the Light of Christ

Small Groups

Are You in a Lighthouse Small Group?
  • Small Groups are the HEARTBEAT of TheLighthouse!
  • Every member of our church should be active in a Small Group!

Dr. Robert Clinton in his book The Making of a Leader said this:

"There is so much emphasis on the capacity to perform that many leaders function in isolation, removing themselves from the greatest asset that will in fact enhance their character, that is - Others. We believe that character may be tested in isolation, but it is developed in relationships."

Small Group Highlights:

  • Weekly or Bi-Weekly Meetings
  • In Homes & on Sundays at ACA
  • A Smaller, more Intimate Dynamic
  • Each Group has a Leader & a developing Co-Leader
  • Small Group Purposes Match the Purposes of the Church - Worship, Fellowship, Ministry, Discipleship, & Evangelism
  • Small Groups will do Ministry Together (EXA: Your Small Group might adopt an apartment complex to minister to, or work together to build a wheelchair ramp, etc.)
Why Small Groups and not Sunday School?
The answer to this question is that your unchurched neighbor might not come to Sunday School, but he or she would come to your house for a Hamburger Cookout!

For more information about Lighthouse Small Groups, e-mail Pastor Rob at