The Lighthouse
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Overcoming Darkness with the Light of Christ


Here are some Questions & Answers that are designed to help you more fully understand The Lighthouse -

When do you meet?

The Lighthouse has one (1) weekly church-wide worship time. Our Worship Celebration takes place each Sunday at 10:30 AM in the Gym at American Christian Academy (2300 Veteran's Memorial Parkway). Small Groups meet through the week, as well. Currently, most of those groups meet off campus, but some meet on Sunday mornings at ACA. Men, Women, Youth, and College students are encouraged to find an active Small Group, whether on campus or meeting in homes. Click HERE for a complete Weekly Schedule of Events.

Sunday Worship Celebration (2009)

What denomination are you?

We are a Southern Baptist Church, giving regularly to the Cooperative Program of the Southern Baptist Convention. We began meeting on Sunday, September 18, 2005. Originally, our sponsoring church was Forest Lake Baptist in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. We incorporated in late 2007 and were voted into the Tuscaloosa County Baptist Association as a full member church.

What is a Sunday service like?

The worship songs are contemporary, either projected on the screens or performed by a band and praise singers. There are 2 large screens and video projection units on the sides of the main stage that are used for song lyrics and sermon outlines. Our Worship Celebration begins at 10:30 AM, and usually includes around 4-5 songs, a time to "meet & greet your neighbor", the Bible message, and a public response time. Each person is greeted and given a bulletin upon arrival, and all attendees are encouraged to serve as "Greeters" - wherever they happen to be located! 

Worship Celebration at ACA (2014)

What should I wear?

We expect casual dress, although each attendee is encouraged to dress as they feel comfortable. Pastor Rob usually wears blue jeans!

How do I join?

At The Lighthouse, membership is based on the following 4 requirements: Profession of faith in Christ (personal salvation), Water Baptism by immersion, completion of our Membership Class (Class 101), and signature of the Membership Covenant. Class 101 is offered periodically, and is a one-session, hour-long seminar. At the conclusion of the class, you can join the church then, or chose to do so at a later time. Click HERE for more info...

What do you believe?

Click HERE for a full listing of our Doctrinal Beliefs, Church Practices, Affiliation, and Purpose Statement.